About Me

I'm a senior in high school in Northern Colorado. I love to act, I am the editor of my school newspaper, and the drum major of the marching band.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

iTunes 8 and Twitter

Today while I was at home being a sickie, I downloaded iTunes v.8. I was very pleased with the new add on. The newest version of what I assume to be one of the most used applications in the united states, if not the world, has added a genius sidebar. No, it is not automatic customer service, it merely shares the same name as Apple employees. When I finished downloading, I was given a prompt to "scan" my library, and a brief explanation as to what it would do. As I read through it, I realized it was something I needed for a long time. It is similar to Pandora with how you choose a song, and it finds other songs in your library with similar qualities. It doesn't stop there however. In the sidebar, it also suggests music that you has similar qualities, or is by the same artist. From the sidebar you can choose to sample and even buy the songs if you like. One good part is that you can go back to a song after you've listened to it, unlike Pandora. Although, because it has to be music you own, it is less of an actual Pandora's Box affect, unless, of course you own every piece of music ever recorded and sold. Another one of it's downfalls is that, with my 2500+ library of songs, it took almost a half hour for it to scan all my songs, and group them together. Also, as long as I am comparing it with Pandora, there is no way to have a song not played in a certain Genius Playlist. At least, I have not found one. Other than the few tweaks I would add, however, I think that this will definitely be a great addition for iTunes. While I'm on the subject of new technology and such that I am trying, I may as well talk about Twitter. This is, if you do not know, a medium for people to exchange what they are doing. All you have to do is sign up for an account, and started following, or be followed by people. People will either Text, IM, or use Twitter on the web to change their status. This change will then be sent to everyone who is "following" them via text, IM, or on the web. Me, being the nerd that I am, thought of some great ways that this could be used. Teachers could use it all the time. They would just have to have their status on Twitter be the homework, or students could "tweet" answers to the teacher if they are shy in class. Teens could keep in touch with their friends or parents by just sending out one text message instead of waiting the extra few minutes for 10 or more to send out. I know, I sound like everything needs to be instant, but in all reality, it does. Things like Twitter, and even iTunes8 are. Sure, it took 28 minutes for my music to be scanned, but a Genius Playlist was developed in less than 30 seconds. With how fast people have gotten at texting, Twitter could be used to alert police or other entities of attack, rape, break-ins. It may sound crazy, but it has a bigger potential than the "OMG! I broke my nail!!" that it sees everyday. It is convenient, fast, and free. That's how we like things these days. If it's difficult, we don't like it. Slow? We can go without. Costs too much? With our faltering economy, free is the only way to go. Look at that, I went from being excited about new things I tried, to criticizing Americans for their outlook on life. Oh well. Anyways, these are both great things to try out. If anyone actually reads this, feel free to follow me.